Temporal Logic
Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)
- Linear time model
- Infinite sequences of states
- Operators:
- $Fp$ (sometime p; eventually p; $\lozenge$) Variable p must become true in some future state
- $Gp$ (always p; henceforce p; $\square$ ) At all future moments p is true
- $Xp$ (nexttime p; $\bigcirc$) Variable p must be true in the next state
- $p\; U\; q$ (p until q) Variable p must remain true up until the state where variable q becomes true, at which point p becomes unconstrained
- Strong until vs. Weak until
- Combinations:
- Infinitely Often $GFp$
- Example: car will get gas in the future, but even after that the car will eventually need to get gas again
- Eventually Forever $FGp$
- From some point on in the future, p always holds
- Infinitely Often $GFp$
The traffic light will be green until it turns red at which point it will be red forever $(g\; U\; r) \wedge (r \rightarrow Gr)$
- Büchi automaton
Computation Tree Logic (CTL)
- Introduced by Emerson & Clarke
- Branching time model, computation trees
- Quantified properties over paths
- Operators: $(E,A) \times (X, F, G, U)$
- 8 operator pairs: $EX, EF, EG, EU, AX, AF, AG, AU$
For all computations, if the traffic light is current yellow, for all paths the next state must be red $AG(y \rightarrow AX r)$
- Full branching-time logic, more expressive than CTL
- Extends CTL by allowing basic temporal operators where the path quantifier ($A$ or $E$) is followed by an arbitrary linear-time formula allowing Boolean combinations and nestings, over $F, G, X$, and $U$
- Kripke Structures
Verification and Model Checking
- Create guarantees about a system and formally verify it for properties
- Safety: system will never enter a state with a certain condition
- mutual exclusion $AG(\neg crit_1 \vee \neg crit_2)$
- Maintenance: certain condition will always hold
Puzzle solver
Create specification with a formula, then use model checker to solve the negation of the formula