Binary Decision Diagram (BDD)
We want to have a representation of circuits that is:
- Compact
- Efficient to manipulate
- Easy to compare
Boolean Functions
A Boolean function is a function $f:$ {0,1}$^k \rightarrow$ {0,1}
Note that Boolean functions are different from Boolean expressions. A Boolean function can be expressed as different Boolean expressions that are logically equivalent. Take the circuit for XOR as an example: $F(A,B) = (A + B)\cdot(\overline{A\cdot B}) = A\cdot\overline{B} + \overline{A}\cdot B$
A | B | F |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 0 |
Binary Decision Trees
$f(x1,x2,x3) = \bar{x_1}\bar{x_2}\bar{x_3}+x_1x_2+x_2x_3$
The size is exponential in the size of number of variables, so it is not a compact representation.
- Each nonterminal vertex v is labeled by a variable var(v) and has arcs directed toward two children:
- lo(v) (shown as a dashedline) corresponding to the case where the variable is assigned 0, and
- hi(v) (shown as a solid line) corresponding to the case where the variable is assigned 1.
- Each terminal vertex is labeled 0 or 1.
Shannon Decomposition
$f = x \cdot f_x + \bar{x} \cdot f_{\bar{x}}$
$f_x$ and $f_y$ are the resulting functions when some argument $x$ is assigned a constant value of either 0 or 1. They are called cofactors of $f$.
We can use this formula to turn a boolean function into a BDD.
Reduced, Ordered, Binary Decision Diagram (ROBDD), usually referred to as just BDD, discussed by Bryant (1992) in the paper Symbolic Boolean manipulation with ordered binary-decision diagrams, is an efficient data structure for representing and manipulating Boolean functions symbolically. It gives a canonical representation of a boolean function as a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Canonicity means if the order of the variables are fixed, then each boolean function has a unique representation as an ROBDD. This means we can compare boolean functions by constructing their ROBDDs and checking if they are equal by a simple pointer comparison. The technique is useful for equivalence checking two circuits (e.g. original circuit and an optimized one).
Reduction of Decision Tree to BDD
Remove Duplicate Terminals
Eliminate all but one terminal vertex with a given label and redirect all arcs into the eliminated vertices to the remaining one.
Remove Duplicate Nonterminals
If nonterminal vertices u and v have var(u) = var(v), lo(u) = lo(v), and hi(u) = hi(v), then eliminate one of the two vertices and redirect all incoming arcs to the other vertex.
Remove Redundant Tests
If nonterminal vertex v has lo(v) = hi(v), then eliminate v and redirectall incoming arcs to lo(v)
The BDD we get after applying the reductions for $f$.
digital system design, verification (SAT solving), and testing
Encoding Sets
Encoding Relations
CUDD is a C++ package to manipulate BDDs.